Women, Peace, and Security Workshop Day 1

Commencing on International Women’s Day, the Inter-American Defense College with support from the US Southern Command welcomed in-person participants from 13 countries of the Western Hemisphere for its first Women, Peace and Security Workshop. MG Taylor, Director of the IADC, opened the event with an important call for action. He introduced our Keynote Speaker, former President of Chile, Dr. Michelle Bachelet.
The morning panel addressed ‘Implementation of WPS for Integrated Deterrence’ with the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, MG Julian C. Cheater, SOCOM Chief Scientist and Arctic SME, Dr Lilian Alessa the Director of Gender Policies of the National Directorate of HR and IHL for Argentina’s Ministry of Defense.
The afternoon panel entitled “Regional Opportunities and Challenges for the Advancement of WPS” facilitated discussions with Gender Advisors from US Combatant Commands, including Ms Jennifer Typrowicz, US Southern Command; Ms Page Beavers, Cyber Command; Ms Tiffani Phillips, US Northern Command.
Our visiting facilitators from partner PME institutions including Prof Brenda Oppermann from the US Naval War College and Professor Nicholas Tomb Naval Postgraduate School enabled participants to develop recommendations for implementing WPS in their respective organizations.

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