Biographies – Faculty

Biographies – Faculty


Mark Hamilton

Dr. Mark Hamilton, PhD

Professor & Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Mark Hamilton, originally of Rochester, New York and Concord, Michigan, received his B.A. in Spanish from Taylor University, where he graduated summa cum laude. He later earned his M.A. in International Development and Ph.D. in International Relations at American University. While pursuing his graduate studies, Dr. Hamilton received several awards recognizing outstanding research and teaching in his field. His doctoral dissertation, honored with distinction, examined why and how young people are mobilized into violent and non-violent movements, grounded by Dr. Hamilton’s systems modeling and diverse field experiences in Latin America, South Asia, and Middle East. 

Dr. Mark Hamilton now serves as an inaugural member of the Inter-American Defense College’s permanent faculty. Core academic courses developed and taught at IADC include Multidimensional Security in the Americas and Conflict Analysis and Resolution. He also provides instructional and advisory support for the annual Faculty and Staff Orientation, Advanced Research and Writing Workshop, and targeted study trips and student academic seminars. Professor Hamilton conducts his classes at the College in Spanish and English, reflecting to some extent the linguistic diversity that characterizes this unique international educational institution.

Prior to his current faculty role, Dr. Hamilton served at the IADC for several years as an academic consultant and visiting professor, contributing to strategic updates of the academic curriculum and related program developments. He helped to introduce a more active teaching methodology at the College and organize joint academic seminars in collaboration with the Committee on Hemispheric Security and the Secretariat of Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Outside the IADC, Professor Hamilton has taught graduate and professional courses at American University, among other institutions, and has developed significant expertise facilitating workshops for senior-level officials. He was selected as keynote speaker for a UNESCO forum in Paris and has consulted for diverse inter-governmental, non-profit, and academic institutions on themes including curriculum design, program evaluation, conflict analysis and peacebuilding, youth engagement, cyber security, and security sector reform.

Professor Hamilton is a member of the International Studies Association and American Political Science Association, among other professional groups, and has served on the advisory board for multiple education and youth-focused foundations and non-profits. He publishes actively, and has presented his research at several global conferences. 

Daniel Masís

Dr. Daniel Masís, PhD


Dr. Daniel Masís received his degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Licentiate in Political Science (with distinction), and his J.D. degree (with distinction) from the University of Costa Rica. His Ph. D. in International Relations (with distinction) is from American University, in Washington, D.C.

Professionally, Dr. Masís has been a government official, a consultant, and an academic. In his early career, he worked in the Office of National Planning and Economic Policy of the Government of Costa Rica, and then at the Central American Institute for Public Administration (ICAP), one of the oldest intergovernmental organizations of Central America. He has also been a consultant for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Foundation for Peace and Democracy (FUNPADEM, Costa Rica), and the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). 

As an academic, he taught in the School of Political Science of the University of Costa Rica from 1977 to 2003, achieving the rank of associate professor. He was the director of the school from 1992 to 1996. From 1987 until 2001 he was also a guest professor, in the areas of U.S.-Latin American relations, and Latin American and Central American history and politics at American University and George Washington University (in D.C.) and the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Florida State University, Linfield College, St. Cloud State University, Union College, and the University of Delaware (in Costa Rica).

From 1994 to 2002 he was also a professor and researcher of the Centro de Investigación y Adiestramiento Político y Administrativo (Center for Research and Administrative and Political Training, CIAPA, an independent private institute affiliated with Tulane University).

In 2003 he came to American University’s School of International Service as a visiting assistant professor, moving in 2007 to the position of scholar-in-residence and director of American University’s Master’s Program with the Inter-American Defense College. In 2008 he also became the director of American University’s Master in International Service Program, until July 2013. Since August of that year he has been a full-time professor at the Inter-American Defense College.

Dr. Masís is also a contributing editor of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, an annual publication of the Library of Congress of the United States., PhD

Mirlis Reyes

Dr. Mirlis Reyes, PhD


Dr. Mirlis Reyes Salarichs, originally from Havana, Cuba, earned her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Macerata, Italy. Her area of expertise as a researcher has been in the defense industry, illicit economy, and local development in Latin America. She earned her Bachelor’s in Economic Science at the University of Havana.

Dr. Reyes currently serves as Inter-American Defense College’s permanent faculty member. She has developed and taught courses at IADC, including Political Economy of Defense and Security, Illicit Economy, and Perspectives on the Economic Cycle. Her lessons are designed to familiarize students with different economic theories that deal with security and defense issues at the strategic level. She also serves as the faculty liaison for the Intercultural Communications Workshop and the coordinator of the Crisis Simulation Exercise. Furthermore, she is the Editor in Chief of HEMISFERIO, the Journal of the Inter-American Defense College.
She is the author of several publications and a speaker at various international conferences and events. She is a member of the network of experts of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC).

Mr. Manuel Lora


(Retired) Rear Admiral, Master of Science in Security Studies, Georgetown University. Manuel Lora graduated with a degree in Naval Sciences from the Peruvian Naval Academy and served in the Peruvian Navy for 36 years where he retired with the rank of Rear Admiral.

Professor Lora received a Master’s degree in Security Studies specializing in International Security from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University in Washington DC. Professor Lora completed his doctorate studies in International Peace and Security at the General Gutiérrez Mellado University in Madrid.

Professor Lora also received a Leadership Training Certificate in Distance Learning from the University of Maryland University College. Manuel Lora was a professor of National Security Issues at the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies from 2005 until 2014 and also served as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs since 2011.

His main areas of academic research focus on: International, Regional and Hemispheric Security; Defense Policy and Strategy; Decision Making Processes, Political Violence and Distance Learning and Teaching.[:es]Contralmirante (Retirado) Maestría en Ciencias en Estudios de Seguridad, Universidad de Georgetown. Manuel Lora obtuvo su licenciatura en ciencias navales de la Escuela Naval del Perú y sirvió en la Marina de Guerra del Perú por 36 años, retirándose con el grado de Contralmirante.

Ms. Katherine J. Almeida Ramos, M. S.


Ms. Katherine Almeida, Professor of Practice, is a former diplomat originally from the Dominican Republic. She received her B.A. from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), where she graduated summa cum laude. She earned a M.A. in Development, Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the University of Salamanca, Spain; a M.A. in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation from the Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, with a level of excellence; a M.S. in Defense and Inter-American Security, as a distinguished graduate, from the Inter-American Defense College, Washington, D.C., and is a Ph.D. candidate from the University of Salamanca.

Professor Almeida is a faculty member of the Inter-American Defense College, where she serves as Professor for the Conflict Analysis and Resolution core academic course, at the Master and Diploma programs, serving as the first Dominican member of the faculty. Outside the IADC, Professor Almeida has taught graduate and professional programs at the University of Salamanca, the Inter-American Development Bank, among other security, defense and international cooperation  institutions.

She has participated as mentor on programs for public sector leaders and NGOs on Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. Her professional experience includes adult education and instructional design; international cooperation; and international business development in private sector. She has supported organizations as SME on conflict analysis, cross/section team building, transformational leadership, and stakeholders’ strategies. Serving from the educational field on defense colleges and national police forces of several countries in the Western Hemisphere.


Col Eduardo Cunha


Brazilian Army Colonel Eduardo Cunha received his commission as an Artillery Officer in 1995 after graduating from the Brazilian Military Academy at Agulhas Negras (AMAN) located in Rio de Janeiro. His first assignment was to 1st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group in Southeastern Brazil where he commanded an anti-aircraft gun section.

In 1999, he attended the Coastal Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Course. After completing the course, he was assigned to 3rd Missile and Rocket Battery in the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Over the next three years he provided fire support for various exercises throughout the region.

After his promotion to captain, COL Eduardo Cunha attended the Brazilian Army Officer’s Advanced School. Next, in 2004 he was assigned to serve as an operations officer in 6th Missile and Rocket Group. Next, in 2007 he returned to the Coastal Artillery and Anti-Aircraft School to serve as an instructor for the next four years. He then attended the Brazilian Army’s Command and General Staff College (ECEME) located in Rio de Janeiro.

At the conclusion of his studies at ECEME, COL Eduardo Cunha transferred to 1st Division Artillery (AD1) where he served as an Operations Officer and Intelligence Advisor. During this assignment, he coordinated the deployments of units providing security for the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, World Youth Day, and 2014 FIFA World Cup. In addition, he served as a training exercise planner.

In 2015, he was assigned to the 11th Military Region in the capital, Brasília. Over the next two years he served as a logistics officer. Next, in 2017 he was assigned to the Army Headquarters managing troop readiness in the Ground Operations Command.

In 2018, COL Eduardo Cunha returned to the Southeast to command 1st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group for two years. During command he led his unit during a federal intervention geared towards improving security in Rio de Janeiro. He also oversaw the execution of several live-fire exercises and the certification of two cohorts of new sergeants.

After Command, he returned to AD1 to serve as its Chief of Staff. After a year in this position, he attended the Higher Studies Course in Politics and Strategy at the Escola Superior de Guerra (the Brazilian War College) in Rio de Janeiro.

At the end of the course, he was assigned to the Cyber Defense Command in Brasília where he served as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Brazil Cyber Defense Command, in addition to the planned , he was the strategic of the Brazil team in the EXERCISE LOCKED SHIELDS and EXERCISE CYBER GUARDIAN in 2021.

Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Southeast Brazil), COL Eduardo Cunha is married to his wife Graziele. He has two children, Luiz Eduardo (21) and Alicia (13).


Col Hiarlley G. Cruz Landim, PhD


Col  (Dr.) Landim, a Brazilian Army Staff Officer, earned his Ph.D. in Military Science at the Meira Mattos Institute of the Brazilian Army Staff College (ECEME), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2015. His area of knowledge and interest has been in security and defense, with an emphasis on strategic studies, foreign affairs and military diplomacy. He holds a degree in Military Science from the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras and has over 31 years of service, in which more than 10 years were serving in the Amazon region and another 10 years as instructor and professor at the Military Academy and Command and General Staff College.

He also earned a Master’s degree in Operational Studies, with an emphasis on Military Operations at the Brazilian Army Captain’s Advanced Training School. He joined the United Nations as Military Observer for the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), in 2008.

Col Landim is graduated from the United States Army Command and General Staff College, where he earned a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies (MOSS), from the Strategic Studies Program.

Col Landim was appointed by the Brazilian Army Commander to serve as Military Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, within the Institutional Security Office (GSI-PR), a period in his career during which he learned extensively about Public Policies and Governance, as well as Foreign Policy and Statecraft and Diplomacy.

Recently, Col Landim attended the Advanced Studies in Defense Course at the Higher School of Defense (ESD) of the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, where he earned the title of Specialist in National Security and Defense Studies.

Col Landim currently serves as Inter-American Defense College’s faculty member. He is developing and teaching Strategic Thinking for Defense and Hemispheric Security and overseeing the World and Western Hemispheric Situation Conferences and Committees.

Capt Antonio Carlos Rebelo Loureiro


Captain Loureiro is a Brazilian Navy Officer. He entered the Naval College on 19JAN1991, went to the Naval Academy on 17JAN1994 and was declared Navy Guard on 13DEC1997. He was appointed Second Lieutenant on 17JAN1999, when he embarked to serve on the Frigate Niterói, where he was promoted to First Lieutenant (25DEC2000) and Lieutenant (25DEC2003), having disembarked to command the Patrol Ship Guaratuba in 2007, in Salvador. In JUL09 he embarked at the Almirante Marques de Leão Training Center, specifically at the Department of Inspection and Training Advice (DIAsA), being promoted to Lieutenant Commander on DEC 25, 2009.


He took the Command and General Staff Course at the Naval War College in 2014 and, in 2015, he joined the Navy General Staff, specifically in the Policy and Strategic Planning Division, He was promoted to Commander on DEC 25, 2015 and disembarked to assume the Command of Frigate Independência in JUL, 2018. In JAN2020, after passing Command, he joined the General Staff of the Navy, specifically in the Division of Analysis and Development of Concepts, Strategies and Doctrines, where he worked with Force Planning and Force Design. He was promoted to Captain on 25DEC2020. 


From July 2023 to June 2024, Captain Loureiro completed his Master’s Degree in Hemispheric Security and Defense at the Inter-American Defense College and, since June 2024, he has been teaching Strategic Planning (Country Study) and Forecasting Methodology. 

Mr. Sparks Tyler


Tyler Sparks is a career member of the United Staes Foreign Service, and has served as a member of the IADC faculty since 2024.  He is lead professor for courses on Civil-Military Relations, Human Rights, Gender in the Military, and domestic and international field studies.  Previously, he served as U.S. Embassy Bogota’s Deputy Political Counselor (2021-2024), following a position in the State Department’s Office of Crisis Management and Strategy.  In that role he was the Deputy Lead of the Department’s COVID-19 Interim Review (CIR), which examined the Department’s performance during the first year of the pandemic.  Other past assignments include Acting Deputy Director and Senior Brazil Desk Officer in the Office of Brazil and Southern Cone Affairs (2018-2020), Senior Serbia Desk Officer in the State Department’s Bureau of European Affairs (2016-2018), Deputy Political Counselor in Ecuador (2013-2016), Political Officer in Nicaragua (2010-2013), Consular-Political rotation in Costa Rica (2008-2010) and Political/Military Officer in Malawi (2005-2007).


Mr. Sparks joined the U.S. Department of State in 2005.  He has a bachelor’s in Political Science, Journalism and History from Syracuse University and a master’s degree in International Affairs from the University of Chicago.  He speaks Spanish and Bulgarian, and is married with two children. 

Col Jose Luis Rodriguez Gonzalez

Assistant Professor

El Crl del Ejercito de Perú. José Luis Rodriguez Gonzáles ingreso a la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos-Perú en 1994 y se graduó como sub teniente de infantería el 18 de noviembre de 1997. Ha ascendido al grado del Coronel del Ejército de Perú el 1 de enero del 2021. Ha sido el comandante del batallón contraterrorista “Moquegua” N° 42 Canayre, Ayacucho, en la zona de emergencia de PERU durante 2017-2018. Ha sido el comandante de la Fuerza Especial Conjunta del Comando de Inteligencia y Operaciones Especiales Conjuntas del Comando Conjunto de las FFAA de Perú. Donde ha comandado con resultados positivos varias operaciones especiales sobre los blancos estratégicos de la organización terrorista de Sendero Luminoso, para contribuir a la construcción de una paz positiva en el VRAEM (valle de los ríos Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro) de Perú.

Ha sido ayudante del Comandante General del Ejercito de Perú en el 2005; ha estudiado el curso de analistas de inteligencia en la Escuela de Inteligencia del Ejército de Chile en el 2006; ha estudiado el diplomado  de inteligencia económica para la defensa en la Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins de Chile en el 2006; ha realizado la maestría en planeamiento estratégico en la Escuela de post grado del Ejercito de Perú en el 2011; ha realizado el Programa de Comando y Estado Mayor Conjunto en la Escuela de Guerra Conjunta de Perú en el 2012; ha realizado la maestría en Gestión de Recursos Humanos y Comportamiento Organizacional en la Universidad Ricardo Palma de Perú en el 2015; ha sido profesor master de nivel Comando general y staff de WHINSEC en EEUU 2015 y 2016; ha sido profesor principal en la Escuela de pos grado del Ejercito de Perú; ha realizado la maestría en Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad de Troy-Alabama EEUU en el 2017; ha realizado el doctorado en Gestión de Estado y Políticas Publicas en el Centro de Altos Estudios Nacionales del 2021 hasta el 2023. Se incorporó al Comando de Inteligencia y Operaciones Conjuntas el 1 de enero del 2019 hasta diciembre del 2022.

Desde julio del 2023 a junio del 2024 ha realizado la maestría en Defensa y Seguridad interamericana en el Colegio Interamericano de Defensa y se desempeña como profesor asistente en la facultad, para la asignatura de Pensamiento Estratégico, Economía Política para la Defensa y Seguridad, Análisis y Resolución de conflictos, Políticas de Defensa y Seguridad Hemisférica, entre otros cursos.

Él está casado con Giuliana y tiene 2 hermosos hijos, Rafaella y Juan Pablo.

Col Adamilca Emelinda Rodriguez Martinez

Assistant Professor

Coronel Pedagoga Adamilca E. Rodríguez Martínez nació el 5 de noviembre en Sosúa, provincia de Puerto Plata, República Dominicana. Miembro de la Fuerza Aérea y del Ministerio de Educación de República Dominicana desde el año 2000, ha tenido una destacada formación académica, con cinco maestrías, dos especialidades y dos licenciaturas. Entre sus logros más destacados se encuentran la Maestría en Ciencias en Defensa y Seguridad Hemisférica del Colegio Interamericano de Defensa, la Maestría en Defensa y Seguridad Nacional en la Universidad Nacional para la Defensa Juan Pablo Duarte y Diez, donde fue la primera mujer militar en obtener el mayor índice académico, Maestría Profesionalizante en Administración y Gestión de Centros Educativos de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) y una Maestría en Evaluación Educativa con doble titulación de la Universidad de Barcelona y el Instituto Nacional Tecnológico (INTEC). Además, cuenta con una Licenciatura en Derecho y otra en Educación, Mención Ciencias Sociales, además de más de 50 cursos, diplomados y talleres de actualización en el área militar, educativa, derecho, interrogatorio y contra interrogatorio de testigos, comunicación, defensa, seguridad, ciberseguridad, derechos humanos y derecho internacional humanitario

En su carrera profesional, la Coronel Rodríguez ha ocupado diversos cargos en la Fuerza Aérea y en el ámbito educativo. Actualmente, se desempeña como asesora y profesora asistente en el Colegio Interamericano de Defensa, además de ser enlace entre la agregaduría militar dominicana en Washington D.C. y dicho colegio. También ha sido Directora y actualmente asesora Regional de Educación en Puerto Plata; ha sido directora de centro educativo del nivel secundario del Ministerio de Educación y la Fuerza Aérea, además de encargada de los departamentos de protocolos, relaciones públicas y personal de la base Aérea de Puerto Plata, igualmente abogada ayudante de la Procuraduría Fiscal de Niños, Niñas y Adolescente, de Distrito Judicial de Puerto Plata, en otro orden, ha sido docente en varias universidades dominicanas, dentro de la que se encuentran, la Universidad Nacional para la Defensa, el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) y la Universidad Dominicana O & M. Fue la primera latina invitada como profesora observadora al ejercicio Trial Advocacy Workshop en la Universidad de Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ha sido invitada por varias instituciones públicas, privadas, nacionales e internacionales a dar charlas, conferencias, seminarios y talleres en área de derecho, educativa, de defensa, de seguridad y de ciberseguridad.

A lo largo de su carrera, ha recibido más de 80 reconocimientos y condecoraciones, tanto nacionales como internacionales, por su labor en la defensa, la educación y los derechos humanos. Entre estos reconocimientos destacan condecoración Joint Service Comendation Medial del Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos, Condecoración de la Junta Interamericana de Defensa con grado de distinción de una Estrella Dorada, Medalla de dos Estrellas y Medalla Honiris del Colegio Interamericano de Defensa, reconocimiento por la Secretaria de Marina de México y galardonada como funcionaria del años en la provincia de Puerto Plata en el 2019, reconocimiento como egresada destacada de la Universidad Nacional para la Defensa (UNADE), entre otras placas de reconocimiento por sus valiosos aportes y dedicación al servicio de la Fuerza Aérea y Ministerio de Educación de República Dominicana, así como de instituciones públicos, privadas, nacionales e internacionales. Sus contribuciones académicas incluyen publicaciones en revistas nacionales e internacionales sobre temas educativos, derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario, defensa, seguridad, ciberseguridad e inteligencia artificial.





Col Mário Oliveira

Chief of Seminar Leaders

Col Mário is a helicopter pilot from Brazilian Air Force. He has more than 3000 hours flight, at least 1000 hours flight at helicopter H225M. He was the Commander of a helicopter squadron, Esquadrão Falcão 1st/8th Aviation Group, one of the main squadrons responsible for search and rescue, using NVG equipment included. He was the Commander of the Amazon Region Airports Commission, responsible for designing, building and renovating the more than 170 runways in the Amazon region.

As a pilot, he was part of the Special Transport Group, responsible for transporting the President of the Republic of Brazil. As an academic, he has three postgraduate degrees, the first in Public Management, the second in Strategic Planning Management and the third in Administrative Management. Recently, he graduated with a Master of Science in Inter-American Defense and Security from the Inter-American Defense College.

Currently, as Chief of Seminar Leaders, he works directly with the students of the current class of the Inter-American Defense College in the teaching and learning process.









Cpt José Martín Díaz Tenchipe

Chief of Course 

El Capitán de Navío José Martín Díaz Tenchipe, nació en la Ciudad de México el 26 de junio de 1972, ingreso a la Heroica Escuela Naval Militar el 12 de septiembre de 1991, concluyendo satisfactoriamente sus estudios como Ingeniero en Ciencias Navales, graduándose como Guardiamarina en 1996. Durante su carrera militar se ha desempeñado como Comandante de unidades de superficie, Jefe de Máquinas, Operador de Radar de los Aviones Hawkeye E-2C, Jefe de Grupo de Mantenimiento de unidades terrestres en la Sección de Logística del Estado Mayor General de la Armada, Jefe de la Sección de Logística de la Brigada Anfibia de Infantería de Marina, Jefe de la Sección de Personal y Logística del Batallón Anfibio de Infantería de Marina del Pacifico, Jefe de Grupo de Seguridad y Protección de Empresas Productivas del Estado en la Sección de Operaciones del Estado Mayor General de la Armada, Coordinador Logístico en la Coordinadora General de Infantería de Marina y Jefe de la Sección de Inteligencia del Cuartel General del Alto. En el ámbito académico y docente se ha desempeñado como Jefe de la Subsección de Armas de Infantería de Marina y Jefe de la Subsección de Hidrografía en su comisión como profesor militar en la Heroica Escuela Naval Militar. En el ámbito académico cuenta con el Curso de Mando (Especialidad de Mando Naval) Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales México. La Maestría en Administración Naval (Diplomado de Estado Mayor) Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales México y la Maestría Acreditada en Defensa y Seguridad Interamericana en el Colegio Interamericano de Defensa.







Comisionado Gerald Camacho Sanchez

Seminar Leader

El Comisionado Gerald Camacho se desempeña en la actualidad en calidad de becado como Líder de Seminario para la Clase 64 en el prestigioso Colegio Interamericano de Defensa en Washington D.C luego de graduarse de la Clase 63 en la Maestría en Ciencias de Defensa y Seguridad Interamericana en donde fue galardonado con el reconocimiento ¨Honoris¨.

Ingresando en el año de 1994 a la Fuerza Pública de Costa Rica cuenta con 30 años de servicio donde se desempeñó de 1994 al 2009 en la prestigiosa Unidad de Operaciones Especiales(UEA)  de la Fuerza Pública  costarricense desempeñándose como Jefe de Equipo Especial, Jefe de

entrenamiento  hasta llegar a ocupar la Jefatura de dicha unidad.

Del 2009 al 2012 se destacó como ¨Master Instructor¨ en el Instituto para la Seguridad Hemisférica(WHINSEC) en el hoy Fort Moore(antiguamente Fort Benning, GA), donde además de múltiples galardones obtenidos como instructor destacado también fue nombrado como el primer instructor internacional en liderar uno de los dos equipos de instrucción en operaciones especiales en la División de Operaciones Especiales(SOD) entrenando a personal selecto de la comunidad de operaciones especiales de fuerzas armadas y policiales de todo el hemisferio.

Del 2013 al 2019 se desempeñó como Encargado del Proyecto de Implementación de Fronteras de Costa Rica en donde también fue nombrado como jefe de la misma a nivel nacional para posteriormente del 2019 al 2020 desempeñarse como Director Académico de la Academia Nacional de Policía, Instructor de Escala Superior y Jefe de la Sede de la ANP en Pococí.

Del año 2021 al 2023 fue ascendido al grado de Comisionado y asignado como Director de Unidades Especializadas de la Fuerza Pública de Costa Rica comandando a todos sus componentes (UEA, UIP, Unidad Especial de Seguridad y Protección, Unidad de Armas y Explosivos, Elementos de Zapadores, equipos de búsqueda y rescate para la atención de emergencias en estructuras colapsadas, rescate en terrenos complejos y atención de emergencias nacionales producto del cambio climático, equipo de buzos tácticos, entre otros).

Dentro de su curriculum táctico destacan: graduado con el US ARMY Special Froces 7 Group   en diversas áreas , graduado del US ARMY Airborne School, Curso TAC-6(Comando Antidrogas-WHINSEC),graduado y premiado en el Special Reaction Team Course(IAAFA-Lackland Air Force Base),Escuela y especializaciones SWAT con diversas unidades SWAT de los Estados Unidos, negociación de rehenes, Active Shooter y graduado en operaciones antiterroristas con el grupo Antiterrorista RAID de Francia, graduado en la Escuela TEDAX(Técnicos en Desactivación de Explosivos Explosivos)de la Guardia Civil en Valdemoro, Madrid, España, graduado como Técnico en Brecheo con explosivos por parte del programa del equipo de desminado Costa Rica(OEA),graduado como buzo, graduado en Guerra Irregular en el George Marshall Center en Garmish-Partenkirchen  Alemania y reconocimientos como Juez Internacional de Fuerzas Comando y líder de equipo, graduado como agente de protección a dignatarios, Escuela de Oficiales Superiores entre otras.

Además cuenta con una Maestría en Ciencias de la Defensa y Seguridad Interamericana otorgada por el Colegio Interamericano de Defensa, Licenciatura en Criminología(ULICORI), Maestría en gestión de Proyectos pendiente de la graduación(ULACIT), estudios avanzados dentro de Ciencias Políticas (UCR) y Técnico en mantenimiento de computadoras(TEC).

Col Omar de Jesús Montás Disla

Seminar  Leader

Colonel Pilot Omar De Jesús Montás Disla, of the Dominican Republic Air Force, entered the Batalla de las Carreras Military Academy on 11 January 1995 as a Cadet, graduating as Second Lieutenant Infantry Officer on 5 December 1998. Throughout his career, he has been promoted to the following hierarchies: First Lieutenant Parachutist (2002), Captain Pilot (2005), Major Pilot (2008), Lieutenant Colonel Pilot (2011) and Colonel Pilot (2016).

Regarding his academic preparation, he has completed several courses, among which stand out: Military Parachuting, Pilot Aviator (graduating with honors), Air Intelligence, Inter-American Squadron Officer, and Instrument Flight Procedures for Pilots at the Inter-American Air Forces Academy (IAAFA) at Lackland AFB, Texas. In addition, he completed the Command and Staff course at the Command and Staff College in Honduras (2009-2010), the course at the Defense University War College in Taiwan (2015-2016), the Combined Air Staff (CEMAC 4) course in Argentina (2018), and the Disaster Management course at the Escuela Militar de Emergencias in Spain (2022), among others.

He has participated in several international exercises, such as “Angel of the Andes” in Colombia (2021), and in the bi-national exercise between Colombia and Dominican Republic “Caribe” in its versions from Caribe I to Caribe VII.

Throughout his career, he has held important positions commensurate with his rank. Colonel Montás is a graduate of the 63rd class of the Master of Science in Defense and Hemispheric Security, accredited and offered by the Inter-American Defense College (IADC) in Washington, DC. Currently, he serves as Seminar Leader of Class 64, assisting in teaching and mentoring students from various countries in the hemisphere who are pursuing their master’s degree at the IADC.

Colonel Omar Montás is married to Mrs. Lucy Torres and has three sons named Omar Ariel Montás Reyes, Omar David Montás Torres and Amir Omar Montas Torres.




Lieutenant Col Jorge Luis Salazar Chicaiza

Seminar  Leader

Lieutenant Colonel Jorge Luis Salazar joined the Ecuadorian Air Force in 1995, graduating in 1999 as Second Lieutenant Aviation Pilot and Bachelor in Military Aeronautical Sciences; satisfactorily completing flight courses in Cessna A-150L, Beechcraft T-34C1 and MK-89 Strikemaster aircraft.

Within his operational career he has served as Ready to Combat pilot in A-37B Dragonfly aircraft of Combat Squadron No. 2311, Ready to Combat Instructor in TH-57A helicopters of Combat Squadron No. 2212, Operational Pilot in Dhruv helicopters of Combat Squadron No. 2211 and Instructor at the Escuela Superior Militar de Aviación “Cosme Rennella B” in DA20C1 Diamond aircraft.

In the professional field, he has served as Planning Officer of Combat Wing No. 22, Commander of Combat Squadron No. 2212, Commander of the Air Training Department of the Escuela Superior Militar de Aviación, Head of the Air Operations Preparation Department of the Air Operations and Defense Command, Commander of Combat Group No. 221 and Military Strategic Planning Officer in the Joint Command of the Armed Forces of Ecuador.

He has worked as a teacher of cadets at the Escuela Superior Militar de Aviación in the Bachelor’s Degree in Military Aeronautical Sciences and as a teacher of officers at the Air War Academy of the Ecuadorian Air Force.

The officer is a graduate of the Staff Course in the Ecuadorian Air Force, has a Master’s Degree in Defense and Security with mention in Aerospace Strategic Planning and in June 2024 completed his Master’s Degree in Inter-American Defense and Security at the Inter-American Defense College.

Since June 2024, he has been appointed as Seminar Leader of the Inter-American Defense College.



Col Jose Espinoza Lucho

Seminar  Leaders

Colonel José Espinoza Lucho was born on 21 March 1975 in Lima-Perú. He joined the Peruvian Army Military Academy in 1994 and he was graduated on January 1998 with honours as a Second Lieutenant of Engineering, having obtained the First Place and the Sword of Honor of the Class 1998.

He has completed the following Military Courses: Parachute Course (1996), Psychological Operations Basic Course (2004), Complementary, Basic and Advanced Engineering Course (1998, 2002, 2007), Military Observer Course (2008), Army Command and General Staff Course (2011), Joint Command and Staff Course (2012).

COL Espinoza earned a Master’s degree in Business administration from Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, a Master’s degree in Military Sciences with mention in Strategic Planning, as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. From July 2023 to June 2024 completed his Master’s Degree in Hemispheric Security and Defense at the Inter-American Defense College.

As a Junior and Senior Officer, during his career he served in different Army Units holding important positions as: Platoon Leader and Instructor in the Peruvian Army Military Academy, Deputy and Operation officer of the 111th Amphibious Engineering Company – Matacaballo, Deputy and Operation officer to the 116th Combat Engineering Battalion- Galilea, Assistant to Joint Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Chief of Planning and Operations Department of the 22th Engineering Brigade  during 2015 to 2016 in the VRAEM area, Chief of the Academic Department of the Army Engineering School, Battalion Commander of the 2nd Construction Engineering Battalion, Inspector of the Engineering Brigade and Advisor of the Peruvian Army Commanding General.

He has held the following overseas positions: Military Observer in the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS – 2009), Member of the General Staff in the United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH – 2014) and Peruvian Liaison Officer to US Army South – San Antonio, Texas (2017-2018).

COL Espinoza’s awards and decorations include the Peruvian Cross decorations to the Military Merit in the degrees of Comendador, Knight and Officer, the Academic Medal of the Army in the degrees of Merit and Distinguished, United Nations Peacekeeping Operation Medal (UNMIS & MINUSTAH), Colombian Army Medal “Cadete José María Rosillo” and  “Fe en la Causa” Medal awarded by the Republic of Colombia, Chilean Army Medal “Bernardo O’Higgins” granted by the Republic of Chile and the “Meritorious Service Medal” awarded by the US DoD (2018).

Currently, Colonel José Espinoza is serving as a Seminar Leader at the IADC. He is married with his lovely wife Erika and the couple has two children Bianka and Gael.





Lieutenant Col Abraham Reséndiz Vargas

Seminar  Leader

Lieutenant Colonel Abraham Resendiz joined the Mexican Army as a cadet at the Signals Military School on September 1, 1997, graduating as Second Lieutenant in 2000, obtaining the promotion to the corresponding ranks of Lieutenant (2003), Second Captain (2007), First Captain (2010), Major (2013) and Lieutenant Colonel (2018).

He completed the General Staff course at the War College of México, where at the same time he graduated as Bachelor in Military Administration, on July 31, 2011, and subsequently completed the Master in Strategic Foresight, at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), on December 20, 2020. He is a graduate of the class 63 of the Accredited Master of Science in Defense and Security Hemispheric taught at the Inter-American Defense College (IADC), Washington, DC, USA.

During his professional career he has held several operational and administrative positions in various agencies of the Secretariat of National Defense, throughout the Mexican Republic, highlighting the last position before studying at the IADC, as Deputy Chief of the Monitoring, Coordination and Statistics Group, an office attached to the Office of the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the National Defense.

He currently serves as Seminar Leader of the 64th class, contributing with the facilitation and mentoring of students from various countries in the hemisphere who are pursuing their master’s degree at the IADC.




Lieutenant Col Gil Torres Cruz

Seminar  Leader

Lieutenant Colonel Gil Torres, I obtained a Degree in Military Administration. I am from Pinotepa Nacional, state of Oaxaca. I joined the Heroico Colegio Militar (Military Academy) as cadet. I graduated from the Officer Formation Course as 2nd Lieutenant and obtained a Senior Technician Degree in Civil Protection in 2003. I completed the On-Site Basic Tactical Administrative Course in 2007, and On-Site Advanced Tactical Administrative Course in 2011. I completed the Command and General Staff Course and obtained a Degree in Military Administration from the War School in 2014.

He has been promoted by a rigorous hierarchical chain to the following ranks: 2nd Lieutenant (2003), 1st Lieutenant (2006), 2nd Captain (2010), 1st Captain (2013), Major (2016), and Lieutenant Colonel (2020 up to this date).

He has been appointed to several operational and administrative positions in different units of the Mexican Army (Secretariat of National Defense) in Mexico City, as well as the states of Coahuila, Guerrero, Michoacán, and Chihuahua. My most outstanding positions were: General Coordinator, Exam Group, S-1 (Human Resources), National Defense Joint Staff; Aide Chief, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, National Defense Joint Staff; Deputy Commander, 59th Infantry Battalion; and Deputy Chief of Staff, 1st Military Zone.

From July 2023 to June 2024, Lieutenant Colonel Gil completed his Master’s Degree in Hemispheric Security and Defense at the Inter-American Defense College and, since June 2024, he has served as Seminar Leader for Class 64, contributing to facilitation and mentoring of students from various countries in the hemisphere pursuing their master’s degree at the CID.

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Inter-American Defense College Aureum Scriptor V 2025 !