Home / Academics / Academic Activities / 2023 Virtual Hemispheric Situation Conference
This conference aides in understanding of the predominant geopolitical characteristics of WHEM in reality, medium and long term, identifying the consequences for the WHEM. In addition, this knowledge acquired will strengthen the understanding and containment of threats to their countries, such as organized crime and transnational drug trafficking, and the actions of undesirable external actors.
Live interpretation of all presentations is conducted simultaneously in four languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese and French). Consequently, IADC encourages you to present your briefing in your native language.
Action Officer
MCPO Claudio Santos, Brazilian Navy
Claudio.santos@iadc.edu, +1 (202) 646-1326
Lead Professor
Col James Short, Brazilian Air Force
Short.james@iadc.edu, +1 (202) 646-1332
Daily Uniform (Uniform 2): This classification typically consists of a shirt and pants that can be used with a cap with or without a tie depending on the country. For Army and Air Force, Class B, for Navy service members, (short sleeve) or Khakis/Grey/Navy.
0800-0830 Col Short – Operational Introduction of Conference
0830-0900 Major General James E. Taylor, Director – Welcome Remarks
0900-1010 Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena – Defense and Security on Hemisphere
1000-1030 Break
1030-1145 Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena (University for Peace) – Challenge of Democracy in Latin America
1145-1300 Lunch
1300-1410 CDR Leonardo Mattos (Escola de Guerra Naval – Brazil) – Southern Cone Region
1410-1430 Break
1430-1540 GEN Paco Moncayo Gallegos (Universidad FFAA Ecuador) – Andean Region
1540-1630 Independent Research Time (Students) / Workgroup (SOUTHCOM Participants)
0800-0830 Col Short – Operational Introduction of Conference
0900-1010 Dr. Vinicius de Carvalho (King’s College London) – Vision of Latin America in the world
1000-1030 Break
1030-1145 Dr. Anessa Kimbal (Université Laval – Canada) – North America
1145-1300 Lunch
1300-1410 Dr. Jose da Cruz (US Army War College) – Latin America in the world context
1410-1430 Break
1430-1540 Dr. Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith (Center for Strategic and International Studie – CSIS) – Caribbean
1540-1630 Independent Research Time (Students) / Workgroup (SOUTHCOM Participants)
0800-0830 Col Short – Operational Introduction of Conference
0900-1010 Dr. Luis Bitencourt (William J Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies) – The U.S. New Government impact on Western Hemisphere
1010-1030 Break
1030-1140 Dr. Raoni Rajão – Amazon Region – Political, socio-cultural, economic, defense, security, science, technology
1145-1300 Lunch
1300-1410 Dr. Omar Andrés García – Central America – Political, socio-cultural, economic, defense, security, science, technology
1410-1430 Break
1430-1540 Dr. Carlos Barrachina (Instituto Mexicano de Estudios Estrategicos en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales) – Current Migration
1540-1630 Independent Research Time (Students) / Workgroup (SOUTHCOM Participants)
210 B St, Washington,
DC 20319