Academic programs

Master of Science Inter-American Defense and Security

The Inter American Defense College (IADC) offers a unique and fully accredited Master of Science and Diploma in Inter-American Defense and Security. The aim of the academic program is to develop highly qualified defense and security professionals who are ready to assume senior strategic-level positions within their governments.

In the first semester, students are introduced to the theory and intellectual history of diverse themes relevant to inter-American defense and security. The semester builds the critical, foundational knowledge required by the students to have a greater understanding of the actors, processes and relationships that comprise the Inter-American System and the driving forces behind the decision-making process. This content and context provide the theory-rich stepping blocks to the subsequent semester. The students will also participate in study trips/visits to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic relationships and democratic institutions essential to strengthened inter-American defense and security framework.

Once students have mastered the program’s theoretical foundations, they receive new theoretical courses, critical conceptual tools and methodologies, practical exercises, and field experiences to help them synthesize and apply their knowledge to complex defense and security challenges facing the Americas. Students will participate in study trips/visits to select countries within the hemisphere to further enrich their understanding and appreciation of the knowledge previously gained. Figure 3 is a visual depiction of the IADC academic program construct.

The Course Catalog and Student Handbook reflects the policies of the Inter-American Defense College. All regulations and policies are available on the IADC intranet.


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Post-Secondary Diploma Inter-American Defense and Security

The Inter American Defense College (IADC) offers a unique and fully accredited Master of Science and Diploma in Inter-American Defense and Security. The aim of the academic program is to develop highly qualified defense and security professionals who are ready to assume senior strategic-level positions within their governments.

In the first semester, students are introduced to the theory and intellectual history of diverse themes relevant to inter-American defense and security. The semester builds the critical, foundational knowledge required by the students to have a greater understanding of the actors, processes and relationships that comprise the Inter-American System and the driving forces behind the decision-making process. This content and context provide the theory-rich stepping blocks to the subsequent semester. The students will also participate in study trips/visits to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic relationships and democratic institutions essential to strengthened inter-American defense and security framework.

Once students have mastered the program’s theoretical foundations, they receive new theoretical courses, critical conceptual tools and methodologies, practical exercises, and field experiences to help them synthesize and apply their knowledge to complex defense and security challenges facing the Americas. Students will participate in study trips/visits to select countries within the hemisphere to further enrich their understanding and appreciation of the knowledge previously gained. Figure 3 is a visual depiction of the IADC academic program construct.

The Course Catalog and Student Handbook reflects the policies of the Inter-American Defense College. All regulations and policies are available on the IADC intranet.

Inter-American Defense College Aureum Scriptor V 2025 !