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Research Team

Captain Fernando de Oliveira Marin, PhD.

Head of Research Division

Captain Fernando de Oliveira Marin was born on May 9, 1970, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and his current assignment is Chief of the Research Division of the Inter-American Defense College (IADC). Captain Marin made his first entry into the Brazilian Navy in 1988, when he joined the Brazilian Merchant Marine Academy, the institution from which he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Nautical Sciences in 1991. After his experience in the Brazilian Merchant Marine, he joined the Brazilian Naval Academy in 1993, from which he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Naval Sciences in 1996.

At sea, among the experiences on several vessels, Captain Marin served aboard the Light Aircraft Carrier “Minas Gerais” (A-11) and aboard the Hydro-oceanographic Ship “Taurus” (H-36), and he commanded the Hydrographic and Buoyage Ship “Tenente Castelo” (H-19). On board the A-11, he worked in the Operations Department — as the 3rd Assistant and the 2nd Assistant of the O-3 Division — and in the  Weapons Department, as the Head of the 3rd Division. On board the H-36, he served in the Hydro-oceanographic Division — as the Assistant and as the Head of the Division — and as the Executive Officer.

Ashore, Captain Marin served at three Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I) Institutions of the Brazilian Navy: the “Almirante Paulo Moreira” Institute of Sea Studies, the Navy Research Institute, and the Navy Technological Center in Rio de Janeiro. At the “Almirante Paulo Moreira” Institute of Sea Studies, he served as an Assistant and the Head of the Coastal and Oceanic Projects Division, as well as the Head of the Ocean Dynamics Division and the Head of the Physical Oceanography Division. At the Navy Research Institute, he served as the Head of the Submarine Acoustic Systems Group and as the Research and Development Superintendent. Prior to his current assignment, he served as the Technical Superintendent of the Navy Technological Center in Rio de Janeiro.

In terms of education and training, besides the two Bachelor’s degrees, he obtained the following national diplomas: Specialization in Electronics at the “Almirante Wandenkolk” Instruction Center in 1997; Improvement in Hydrography at the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation in 2001; Master in Physical Oceanography at São Paulo University in 2009; and PhD in Ocean Engineering — with emphasis on Underwater Acoustics — at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2015. In 2022, he completed the Maritime Policy and Strategy Course at the Brazilian Naval War College. Concerning his decorations, they include the “Tamandaré” Merit Medal, the Gold Military Medal (30 years of service), and the Sailor Merit Medal (1 anchor).

Lt Alfonso Flores, MSc.

Deputy Chief of Research Division

Lieutenant Alfonso Flores Rojas is a native of the City of Acatlán de Osorio, State of Puebla, Mexico. Since 2023, he has been the Deputy Chief of Research Division of the Inter-American Defense College (IADC).

He belongs to the Naval Administration and Quartermaster Service of the International Relations Branch of the Mexican Navy, and is a member of the Basic Academic Nucleus of the Center for Higher Naval Studies of the Naval University (CESNAV). Since 2018, he is a member of the Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI) and the Mexican Association of Political Sciences (AMECIP) respectively.

He held different positions in the Mexican Foreign Service, in the Mexican diplomatic representations in Brazil and Chile during the years 2009 to 2017. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Head of Postgraduate Studies in the Master’s Degrees in Political Science and Geopolitics, as well as the Doctorate in Maritime and Port Administration of CESNAV.

He is an internationalist with postgraduate studies at the Doctoral level in the areas of Public Security and Public Policy; Likewise, he has studies at the Master’s level in History, International Studies, Public Administration, Political Science, Security and Defense; in addition to having completed specialization studies in Intelligence in the Contemporary State, Political and Strategic Studies, International Relations and Law of the Sea and Maritime.

He has been awarded the Decoration for Naval Teaching Merit in first and second class, as well as various recognitions for the quality management of the Mexican naval educational system.


Physical address : 210 B Street, Building 56, Fort Lesley J McNair, Washington DC.



Inter-American Defense College Aureum Scriptor V 2025 !