IADC Social Media Acess


Calendars 2025

Inter-American Defense College Calendar

Academic Events based Class 64 Academic Calendar Version E


Repository of resources

IADC Internal is a repository of resources for the Inter-American Defense College’s students, alumni, staff, and faculty.

Access your accounts here:



IADC Sharepoint is tool to manage and share content, documents an applications. 



Hemisferio Journal

HEMISFERIO – Journal of the Inter-American Defenne College

(Mario Brasil do Nascimento – Hemisferio 09/09/2024)

A ameaça da guerra cognitiva na América: desafios e oportunidades para a cooperação interamericana
Mario Brasil do Nascimento examines the rising threat of cognitive warfare, detailing its characteristics and potential to erode democratic values in a hyperconnected society. The article explores how technological evolution accelerates these risks and highlights opportunities for bolstering defense through inter-American cooperation, education, and intelligence sharing. Using Chinese and Russian case studies, the analysis provides critical insights into safeguarding regional security.


Staff SO Durcilene Silva (Brazilian Navy)
Web Manager & Social Media Manager

External Relations Department


Inter-American Defense College Aureum Scriptor V 2025 !