IADC Social Media Acess



The location of the ceremony marking the handover of the position of Deputy Director has been moved from the Salon de Actos to Kennedy Hall, building 60. 




HEMISFERIO – Journal of the Inter-American Defenne College

Claudio Duarte Faria – 09/02/2024 – Hemisferio Vol 10

How prepared are we to confront cyber threats? Claudio Duarte Faria explains the critical role of cybersecurity and cyber hygiene in our digital age. He explores why cyber transgressions continue to persist in Latin America and beyond while advocating that “critical infrastructure” should include populations when crafting national cyber strategies. This article emphasizes the need for people-centered policies to counteract the psychological impacts of cyberattacks.

You can read the full article here.


Repository of resources

IADC Internal is a repository of resources for the Inter-American Defense College’s students, alumni, staff, and faculty.

Access your accounts here:



IADC Sharepoint is tool to manage and share content, documents an applications. 


Staff SO Durcilene Silva (Brazilian Navy)
Web Manager & Social Media Manager

External Relations Department
