
Publications Overview

The Inter-American Defense College Publications are free online resources for scholars seeking information about Western Hemisphere Security and Defense. The publications overview page provides an introduction to the Inter-American Defense College’s academic journal called “Hemisferio,” and other IADC publications. To access the full publication website, and its full length downloadable articles visit

About Hemisferio Academic Journal

Hemisferio, the Journal of the IADC, aims to promote research on issues related to security and defense in the Western Hemisphere. It is an annual, non-profit journal with a multidisciplinary approach, which is affiliated to the academic program of this center of higher studies. The spectrum of thematic areas is broad, thus contributing to the analysis of security and defense issues from different perspectives, such as: Strategic Thinking, International Relations, Political Economy, Forecasting Methodology, Geopolitics, Human Rights, Civil-Military Relations, Multidimensional Security, Cybersecurity, Defense and Security Policies, Development, Leadership, and Conflict Analysis and Resolution. The editorial team is comprised of specialists and researchers, both from the IADC and from outside the College, whose expertise in the topics covered in the journal makes them a key component in maintaining a quality control of the contents in papers published. The journal is part of the Latindex directory.

Mirlis Reyes

Mirlis Reyes Salarichs, PhD

Hemisferio’s Editor-in-Chief

Editorial Board

Roberto Pereyra Bordón, Ph.D. (IADC, Argentina), Daniel Masís-Iverson, Ph.D. (IADC, USA), Mark Hamilton, Ph.D. (IADC, USA), Mariano C. Bartolomé, PhD. (IADC, Argentina), Cintiene Sandes Monfredo, Ph.D. (Escola Superior de Guerra de Brasil), CALM Francisco Yábar Acuña, Ph.D. (Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval, Perú), Carlos Eduardo de Azevedo, MSc. (Escuela Superior de Guerra de Brasil), Cor. Milko Klepatzky, MSc. (Escuela Superior de Guerra Aérea, Perú), Katherine J. Almeida Ramos, MSc. (IADC, Republica Dominicana), and Carolina Sampo, Ph.D (CONICET/UNLP/UBA, Argentina)

Associate Editors

Sarivette Ortiz (IADC, USA), Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros, Ph.D. (Rio de Janeiro Federal University and Escola de Guerra Naval, Brasil), and Santiago Madrid Liras, MSc. (Prof. Universidad Carlos III, España).


Frieda García (IADC, El Salvador)


Irene Szakolcai (IADC, USA)

Recent volumes of Hemisferio

Hemisferio 2021

At the beginning of January 2021, the Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH) of the Organization of American States (OAS) once again paid attention to the need to examine the Declaration on Security in the Americas, as had been established in resolution AG /BEEF. 2950 (LO / 20). Specifically, he reminded the permanent missions of the member states to answer the following questions.

Hemisferio 2020

The followers of the Generational Theory of Neil Howe and William Strauss expected that in 2020 the prediction made by these intellectuals almost 30 years ago would be verified. According to this theory, there are historical cycles driven by generational changes that allow the evolution of societies. The great crises – politically and socially – take place every four generations or “twists”, according to the authors’ own denomination. They predicted a crisis in 2020, as it is the year that begins the last decade of the fourth turn where historically the great.


Text is needed regarding these ebooks maybe a general overview of  the books.

Inter-American Defense College Aureum Scriptor V 2025 !