

The IADC offers a unique strategic level education to career professionals from nations throughout the Western Hemisphere. The one-year experience culminates in conferral of a Master of Science degree or a Diploma Certificate in Inter-American Defense and Security Students, who are nominated and sponsored by their government, represent all branches of the military, national police, diplomatic service and ministries.

The Master’s Curriculum includes two study trips, inside and outside of the United States, presenting students with the main aspects of the political, economic, social, military and cultural reality of the host countries through a variety of methods and learning modalities.

Application Process

– The admissions department begins accepting potential candidate nominations: September 30th – January 31st
– The deadline for submitting a completed admissions packet: January 31st
– Admission’s packages are evaluated by the college’s admissions counsel from: September 30th – March 16th
– Candidate acceptance letters are sent between: February 17th – April 12th

Admissions Requirements

Student nominations must meet the following requirements:


a. Be officially nominated by a governmental entity in your country, which must cover the costs of the program;
b. Have attained the rank, duties and responsibilities of Lieutenant Colonel, Coloneor their equivalent;

c. Possess, at least, a Bachelor degree;
d. Have graduated from a Command and General Staff College or have similar or equivalent professional education;
e. Demonstrate adequate military training and experience at an advanced level;
f. Advanced academic proficiency in one of the official OAS languages (Spanish, English, Portuguese and French) is required.
g. Must have knowledge of information technology (Office 365, SharePoint, Word, PowerPoint and Excel).
h. Exceptional cases will be discussed by the Admissions Board subject to the decision of the Director;



a. Be officially nominated by a governmental entity in your country, which must cover the costs of the program;
b. Be an active government official;
c. Possess, at least, a Bachelor degree;
d. Have the seniority, professional experience (at least five (5) years) and possibilities of future employment comparable
e. Exceptional cases will be discussed by the Admissions Board subject to the decision of the Director;
f. Advanced academic proficiency in one of the official OAS languages (Spanish, English,Portuguese and French) is required;
g. Must have knowledge of information technology (Office 365, SharePoint, Word, PowerPoint and Excel);



a. Be officially nominated by a governmental entity in your country, which must cover the costs of the program;
b. Have attained the rank, duties and responsibilities equivalent to a Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel in the military branch;
c. Possess, at least, a Bachelor degree;
d. Have the professional experience and possibilities of future employment comparable to those required for military students;
e. Advanced academic proficiency in one of the official OAS languages (Spanish, English,Portuguese and French) is required;
f. Must have knowledge of information technology (Office 365, SharePoint, Word, PowerPoint and Excel).

Non-U.S. Students

a. Diploma and Transcript (Grades Statement). To be admitted to the IADC’s accredited master’s degree program, you must have received at the least a U.S. 

    comparable Bachelor’s degree in an accredited university;

b. Command and Staff College Diploma. If you are a military candidate or national security or police officer, provide a copy of their Command and General Staff      College Diploma is subject or equivalent professional education (No need to be notarized, a simple copy is required);

c. Succinct Biography. Please, use the attached template.

U.S. Students and other applicants that studied in U.S. universities

a. Official Transcript. Contact your academic institution and require mailing the official transcript of your Bachelor’s Degree or above degrees to the IADC Registrar;

b. Command and Staff College Diploma. If you are a military candidate or national security or police officer, provide a copy of their Command and Staff College Diploma or equivalent (No need to be notarized, a simple copy is required);

c. Succinct Biography. Please, use the attached template.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Tuition is included for member states of the OAS. However, nominating countries are responsible for travel, subsistence, and housing expenses for all of their candidates. 

Total Estimated cost of Attendance as of August 2021 paid by the country:
$55,207.00 – $98,985.50 (USD) per student/ per year

Expenses (per student annually)


Out-of-Pocket Cost




Evaluation of educational credentials



Transport and travel to and from Washington, D.C.

Country of the student

On-site visits in Washington, D.C.


Transport and travel to New York, CONUS and OCONUS


Meals and accommodations on New York trip


Meals and accommodations on CONUS trip


Meals and accommodations on OCONUS trip


Health insurance

Country of the student

Rent and utilities




High speed internet service


Public transportation


Subtotal per 12 months



Total Estimated Cost per 12 months



CONUS: Continental United States

OCONUS: Outside Continental United States

*Note: An additional cost of $650 maybe required for the purchase of air tickets if a problem occurs to the aircraft assigned to the mission.

*Single occupancy – Double occupancy

**Monthly expenses

Enrollment Process

7 Steps for preparing and submitting the Digital Evaluation Package (Studies performed outside the U.S.)

1) Write your short biography;

2) Get the originals of your transcripts (grades statement) and diplomas from the institution where you studied;

3) Provide certified copies of your transcripts (grades statement) and notarized copies of your diplomas;

4) Translate transcripts (grades statement) and diplomas into English (Must be an official translation. Notarization is not required);

5) Complete and sign the Independent Evaluation Agency (FCSA) data form;

6) No later than 31 st of January, forward the Digital Evaluation Package to; and 

7) Upon arrival at the IADC on the first week of July, hand over the requested documents.

Inter-American Defense College Aureum Scriptor V 2025 !